How is average time between tests calculated?

In the District, School and Class reports, average values are presented as a summary for the grouping selected.

Here is how the BrightFish system calculates average time between tests: 

  • Only students with results are used in the average. 
  • Students belonging to multiple classes are counted only once.
  • Time on task between tests is calculated from the time that students worked on completed story activities between pre-mid and pre-post tests.  

Classroom Example

Students in your class worked for an average of 8 hours of time on task between the pre-test and the midyear test.

That value will be shown after the midyear test is completed. 

The average time between tests will not change until students complete the post-test. 

After the post-test is finished, the average time value wll be updated. 

Time on task will be calculated from completed activities between the pre-test and the post-test. 

Classroom Time Values:

January 2021 (Midyear Test Administration) – Average time on task between pre- and midyear tests: 08:15
April 2021 (Post-test Administration) – Average time on task between pre- and post tests: 15:25