How are gains calculated?

In the Gains reports at the District, School and Class level, there is a “level change” column.



Individual Student Instructional Level Change

The level change is the change in the student’s instructional level from the most recent Cloze Mid or Post Test result compared to the Pre-test. 


For example, your student received the following instructional level results from the Cloze tests:


  • August 2020 (Pre-test) – Level 5
  • January 2021 (Mid-test) – Level 6
  • April 2021 (Post-test) – Level 7

The “Instructional Level Change” in January will be “1”:
Most recent Mid-test minus most recent Pre-test.

Level 6 (January 2021) – Level 5 (August 2020) = 1


In April after the post-test is completed, it will be “2”:

Most recent Post-test minus most recent Pre-test.
Level 7 (April 2021) – Level 5 (August 2020) = 2


Class/School Instructional Level Change Average


The average instructional level is based on the number of students who did one of the following

  • A Pre-test AND a Mid-test
  • A Mid-test AND a Post-test

Students who did not take TWO tests will not be counted as part of the instructional level change at the class level. If the students did not take two tests, then their instructional level change will be shown as N/A.


Let’s take a look at this example:


Average Class Instructional Level Pre Test: 0.4 (5 students completed the pre test)
Average Class Instructional Level Mid Test: 1 (3 students completed the mid test)
Average Class Instructional Level Post Test: 2 (3 students completed the post test)

The average Instructional Level gain WILL NOT be 1.6 (Post Test Average of 2 – Pre Test Average of 0.4). To understand this we need to look at individual students results


Student 1 Pre Test / Mid Test / Post Test: 1 / [not done] / [not done]
Student 2 Pre Test / Mid Test / Post Test: 0 / 1 / 2
Student 3 Pre Test / Mid Test / Post Test: 1 / 1 / 2
Student 4 Pre Test / Mid Test / Post Test: 0 / 1 / [not done]
Student 5 Pre Test / Mid Test / Post Test: 1 / [not done] / 2


Student 1 Instructional Level Gain = no gains
Student 2 Instructional Level Gain = 2 – 1 = 1
Student 3 Instructional Level Gain = 1 – 0 = 1
Student 4 Instructional Level Gain = 2 – 1 = 1
Student 5 Instructional Level Gain = 2 – 1 = 1


Average Instructional level gain = total gains / total students with gains = (2 + 1 +1 +1) / 4 = 1.25iin