In the District, School and Class reports, average values are presented as a summary for the grouping selected.
Here is how the BrightFish system calculates averages:
Only students with results are used in our averages. For example, a class has 10 students enrolled. Only 8 students have worked in BrightFish Reading. The averages are calculated from the 8 students with data.
Students belonging to multiple classes are counted only once.
At the school or district level, averages are weighted according to the number of students in each school or class. For example:
My School
Class 1 (10/12) students – average 85%
Class 2 (90/100) students – average 90%
The average for “My School” is NOT 87.5% (85%+90% / 2).
The average for this school will be based on the number of students, (10 + 90 / 12 + 100) = 89.3%.